Sunday, April 17, 2016

Scoot: Five Ideas, a Giveaway, and a Freebie!

Hi, Teaching Friends!

If you want a game that keeps your students up and active and learning the whole time, teachers all know that you can't go wrong with Scoot!  I've been working on revising and expanding my set of Scoot Math Cards. Hang on alllll the way 'til the end of this post ... there just might be a Scoot freebie for you! Meanwhile, let's talk about getting the most out of your Scoot games by finding new ways to use them!

1.  Print your Scoot cards on cardstock, cut apart, punch a hole in the corner and put them on a ring.

Because of the novelty, kids LOVE using these! They can use them for independent practice or with a partner. You can use the shoebox-size plastic containers to store a bunch of math rings in your centers, and another box for reading rings. Hint: Dollar store flashcards are a great to quickly build up a supply of ring sets.

2.  Use your Scoot cards for a class game. Divide your students into two teams, each seated on the floor in a line in front of your interactive whiteboard. Display a card on your document camera. The two players at the front work to solve the card. The first to solve the card correctly earns a point for his or her team. Variation: Display two cards at the same time, a different card for each team.

3.  Use Scoot as a end-of-unit review before a test. If you do this a few days before the test, you'll have the opportunity to do some informal assessment while your students are scooting. Then you'll know exactly which skills need a bit more work, and who to pull for your small group instruction before the big day.

4.  Tape your Scoot cards up on the inner frame of your classroom doorway.

Now you're ready for instant review, every time you line up your class to leave the room. Just choose a card (or even better, have a student choose one) and solve it before you go.  I love having students solve these "out of context" to keep their brains sharp - who'd think the teacher would ask a math question when it's not even math time, right? ;)

5.  Use Scoot cards with any board game you have.  Before a player gets to roll the die or spin the spinner, they have to solve the card. Whenever practice is in the format of a game,  it seems like students are willing to practice again and again and again! If you call it a game, then it's a game!

Now that you've been reminded how versatile Scoot cards can be, maybe you'll be looking for some new sets for your students.  As I mentioned above,  I've just finished revising my math scoot games resource, so if you already own it be sure to download your free update by going to your "My Purchases" page at TpT. The fonts have been updated for greater clarity, AND the set now has two new games, one for missing addends and the other for telling time to the hour and half hour.

If you don't have this Scoot set yet, you can purchase it this Sunday and Monday at my TpT store for 50% off! Regularly $7.50, the set of 12 games is now $3.75. Games for addition, subtraction, geometry, adding and subtracting ten, place value, and more!

Or, ... you could win one of the three sets I'm giving away!

Giveaway closed! Congratulations to Lisa, Gina, and Charlotte!

You didn't think I'd forget your freebie, did you? Head over to my TpT store to download Equalities and Inequalities Scoot, for lots of fun practice with greater than, less than and equals symbols!

Happy Teaching!


  1. I love scoot games! Thanks for all the ideas for using them! I find that keeping a set that a group of students can do fairly independently is a great addition to an emergency sub tub!

    The Math Maniac

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. When we do Scoot I project the cards on my projector. The students scoot to new desks for each card. It keeps kids moving and helps those that struggle with reading. They love it!

    1. That's a great idea, Michelle! I love the idea of giving extra support to the strugglers. Thanks so much for sharing.


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