Friday, April 1, 2016

30 First Grade Math Games - Win Them NOW!

Hi, Teaching Friends!

This giveaway has concluded, but you can still buy this set at half price ($5.50) until the evening of Monday, 4/4. Congratulations to Becky, Allison, and Anita!

It's spring (yay!!), summer's coming (double yay!!), and it's time to tie up all those loose ends and be sure that your little darlings are ready to send on to the next grade.

I've just finished up a set of 30 partner games for math to help first grade teachers as you plan your end-of-year review lessons. {Were you thinking I was just sitting around eating bonbons during the past six weeks of not blogging? Not hardly ;) }

These one page games are easy-prep. There are no cards to print or cut apart. Just print, add dice and markers, and they're ready to use!

The topics covered in these games are...

* Addition through 20
* Subtraction through 20
* Mixed addition and subtraction
* Three addends
* Combinations of ten
* Adding and subtracting ten and multiples of ten
* Place value
* Fractions

Here's another sample.

Each of the thirty games comes in both color and grayscale. The grayscale versions are great for sending home as family homework ... and there's even a parent letter included to make that simpler for you!

These aren't even posted in my store yet, but you can win them here. {Insider Scoop: They'll be posted late Saturday, and they'll be 50% off until Monday night!}

This game set is now posted in my TpT store, and you can buy it here at 50% off through Monday evening!

Happy Teaching!

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