At this time of year, when little minds are out on the playground or thinking about tonight's t-ball game, we have to work extra hard to keep our students focused and excited about learning.
Have you tried using riddles to increase engagement?
This new set of riddle cards for odd and even two-digit numbers will let your second graders stay active while still reviewing skills. Because each of the 24 odd-answer and 24 even-answer cards has just two clues, they're quick to solve - and that makes them perfect for Scoot and Solve the Room! Two formats of student recording sheets (and answer keys!) are included for use with these games.
Here's a closer look.
As you see, the first (unstated!) clue is whether the number will be odd or even. The graphic will be their clue, adding a bit of extra thinking into the solution process.
Having one of those days when you're needing a quieter option? Sometimes we just need those kiddos to sit down for a while so we can all breathe a bit! Try putting partners together to solve a few cards, or use the Odd and Even Solve and Sort partner game that's included in this set.
This set is now in my store, and will be half price through Monday morning, 4/24. See it here!
Would you like to win this set before it's even posted? Here's a quick giveaway - three copies! As usual, I've thrown in a few quirky options for entering. Have fun! ;)
Giveaway ended! I loved reading all of your fun entries! Congratulations to Tanya, Julie, and Lynn!
Please check your email.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Happy Teaching!

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