
Wednesday, July 20, 2016

More Math and Deeper Thinking with Clip Away Cards - A Giveaway!

Hi, Teaching Friends!

Recently I shared with you two sets of free clip cards, and some thoughts about why clip cards are a great addition to your classroom.

If your students love clip cards but you're looking for something a bit different ...

Let me introduce you to Clip Away Cards!

This post includes affiliate links.

If you are already using this set of 120 math riddle cards...

... or the same riddles in poster format ...

... then you'll already know that each card has a multi-step riddle whose answer is a number from one through 100.  They're a fun addition to your calendar time and great for spiraled review all year!  Here's what a few customers said about the riddle cards.

Most of the riddles in these sets are pretty much identical. Here's a card from the first set.

Here's what the same riddle looks like as a Clip Away Card.

As you can see, students will solve the riddles on the clip cards independently, using one clue at a time to eliminate options and then clip (or "clip away") the numbers with a mini-clothespin or a binder clip (check out these cute smiley face ones!)  as they eliminate them. The answer is the number that has not been clipped when all others have been clipped away.

The amount of math and reasoning is the same in both sets, but the Clip Away Cards allow your students more independence through offering the support of answer options being provided. If your students take standardized tests (boo!), you can use these cards to model the importance of reading the question all the way though before deciding on an answer.

These sets are great companion resources. Use the original riddle card set or the poster set to teach the processes of attending to key details, making inferences, and eliminating the answers that don't fit. Then bring out the Clip Away Cards and use them for...

*  Math center activities. Put the all cards in a basket, or join sets of ten on rings.
*  Morning warm-ups or exit cards
*  Parent volunteers or tutors.  Great for filling those extra moments when there's not enough time to  start something new.
*  Math interventionists.  To bring an added level of rigor to your practice of operations and place  value.
*  Family Math Night. Set up a station with a few cards to keep parents actively engaged in solving these with their children.

Would you like to win a set of these Clip Away Cards before they're even posted in my store?

I'd love to choose a few winners! The requirement for entering is super simple - no following anything, just one simple question to answer!  I'd really appreciate it if you'd share this giveaway with your friends.  Thanks!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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