
Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Christmas in July Hop - Winter Math Freebies and a HUGE Giveaway!

Hi, Teaching Friends!

I'm celebrating a fun summer event with some of my K-2 blogging buddies! Welcome to the I Teach K-2 Christmas in July Blog Hop!

Isn't that sandy snowman the cutest? Many thanks to the gracious and talented Jen Lium of Teaching in the Tongass for creating the images for this blog hop! Please visit her store to see more of her beautiful work!

Since I've been working on updating and packing more learning into some of my resources, I thought I'd give you the inside scoop today on some of the additions ... and share a few with you as freebies!
In keeping with our Christmas theme, both of these are part of winter math sets, one for kindergarten and the other for first and second grade.

Clip cards are always a popular and versatile math practice activity for little learners.

     * As a teacher of struggling students for more than ten years, I value clip cards for their differentiation factor. Supplying three possible answers makes the task just a bit easier than coming up with the answer with no support given.

     * Clip cards are also an easy tool to use in centers, especially since you can make them self-checking by using a sharpie pen to put a dot by the correct answer.

     * A little more work on strengthening the pincer grip is never a bad thing! Try using clothespins or mini-binder clips to have your students show the correct answer.

This set of a dozen clip cards for PreK and kindergarten provides practice with identifying representations of teen numbers, plus some sneak-it-in skills practice with reading teen numbers using ten frames, and counting on from ten. Try them in math tubs or math centers, for independent practice or partner work.

It's just been added to this winter math set for PreK and kindergarten. You'll find a total of 18 cards in the paid resource, in addition to seven other games and hands-on activities. If you already own this set, be sure to get your free upgraded version by logging in to your TpT account and going to your "My Purchases" page.

Here's your second winter math freebie, this time for first and second grade. It's a set of clip cards for practice with place value, specifically with subtracting multiples of ten from two digit numbers. Click here to get your set!

This set of clip cards has also been added to a larger resource pack, Winter Math Games for First Grade and Second Grade.

If you already own it, please download it again to receive the update.

Don't have these winter math sets yet? No worries! Both of these, along with all of the resources in my store (over 300!), are now 20% off in celebration of the Christmas in July Blog Hop! 

Now for the promised giveaway!! Can you believe these prizes??? Enter below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Don't miss out on all the great freebies you can collect at each stop on this hop! Just click below to visit all of the blogs that are participating!


  1. Everyone LOVES clip cards! Thanks! Happy Christmas in JULY! Wendy 1stgradefireworks

    1. Glad that you like them, Wendy! Thanks for your comment!

  2. This is great! Thank you for sharing and Merry Christmas in July! - Anita

  3. Linda, thank you for those clip cards! I love the idea of making them self-checking for the students!
    Peggy @ Primary Flourish

    1. You are most welcome, Peggy! So glad that you stopped by!

  4. Such cute clip cards! Thank you so much for sharing your talent!


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