Dear Teaching Friends,
Christmas is the story of a baby. More than that, it's the story of God come down from on high to live on this Earth as one of us. It's a story of boundless love and undeserved grace. As one of my friends recently said, it's an incredible concept, impossible to believe until you actually open your heart to the possibility and do believe.
I'd like to share a Christmas story with you today. One of the things that I'm most privileged to do in my retirement is to spend some time volunteering at a local pregnancy center. At the center, we see miracles daily as God makes his presence known to us and to the frightened and confused young girls who come to us. We are so honored and humbled to be used as instruments of His work here as He works in their hearts.
Here's a portion of an email I received today.
Some of you remember that several months back we sent an urgent prayer request out for a gal who had come to us from the abortion clinic down the street. She was distraught and overwhelmed and could see no way to have a baby in her life at this time. Her boyfriend had moved on and she was very much alone. But...God.
That day we asked you to pray as she lay on our ultrasound table. A new nurse sonographer, a new ultrasound machine, a new client, could have produced an anxious atmosphere, but instead, Peace reigned in that room that day. And just while you were praying, a little hand waved from the screen at a mom who had no hope....and just at that moment Hope showed up. The moment that little hand waved, that mommy changed her mind and with tears rolling down her face, she decided then and there to have her baby. She will tell you herself that is was that little hand that did it!
Gavin was born two weeks ago...a stunningly perfect, beautiful boy! Gavin's daddy was right there when he was born! Reconciliation has come to this family. Theirs will be a very special Christmas indeed. Mommy just hugged us and cried and cried with thanks that we were there when she needed hope and help. Mommy said she made the right decision. She said she can't imagine her life without Gavin.
Now that's a Christmas miracle! May the Lord who raised that sweet baby's hand to call out to his mommy's heart also touch your heart this Christmas.
Christmas blessings to all of you!

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