
Thursday, April 18, 2013

New "School Days" Riddle Set - Want One Free?

Hi, Teaching Friends!

I love the challenge of making learning fun. There are the reasons we all know... primarily, of course, keeping engagement in learning high. But I also have to admit that watching kids have fun learning is also a huge part of what makes teaching fun for me! Even though I'm not in the classroom anymore, I just can't resist sneaking in the fun and watching kids grab on to it. I had a great time this afternoon working on patterns with my three-year-old grandson. Just picture us stomping and jumping, clapping and tapping toes, drawing happy and sad faces on the magnadoodle ... I had a blast watching him have fun!

So, on the subject of fun, how about riddles? I've never met a primary grade kiddo who didn't love 'em! Yes, we're addressing the Common Core, practicing inferring, and drawing conclusions. And especially for the littlest learners, we're also increasing the time they can focus and we're building auditory memory. But, above all, the learners are having fun and so are the teachers!

Regular readers here know that I love creating riddle sets. You can click here to see ten different sets at my TPT store! Here's the newest set:

...and here's a closer look at what's inside.

I'm looking for a few people who might like to have a free set to try in their classrooms. In exchange, I'd love it if you'd be willing to proofread and tell me how your class liked the riddles. If you're interested, please leave your name and email below. I'll send it out free to the first six readers who leave a comment!
Happy Teaching!


  1. I would love to have a set!

  2. We were just talking about some great Earth Day riddles we had found and how much our kiddos loved them! I would love to help you out!!


    Hands-On Happiness

  3. Oh my word! My kiddos love riddles. I would love to help you out.

  4. I have purchased several of your riddle sets. My first graders love them. They ask everyday to do a few. If we do a few, they always ask for more. One of my lowest readers loves the riddles and can answer many. I teach all the reading in first grade at our school and the other classes ask for them too.I would (or they would) be excited to have a few more riddles to share with my babies. Thanks for your hard work!!!

  5. We love riddles! I would have to have some more :)

  6. I would love to try out your riddles!! Your work is always engaging!

  7. I know I am too late, but I would love to try this with my class to proof it for you. :) I enjoy many of your products. Thank you. Linda

    1. Okay - thanks so much for responding, and for your encouraging comments! I'll be sending the set out to all of you.

      Kristin, your comment was especially heartwarming - thank you!!
      Please leave your email so I can send a set out to you, too.



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