
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Another Idea for Paint Chip Cards

Hello, Everybody!

Hope all of you in Sandy's path fared well! Here at the Jersey shore (we are about 2 miles in from Barnegat Bay, about 5 miles south of Seaside Heights), we are fine, but still without power. Fortunately, we have a small generator which we are using to try to keep the stuff in the fridge going (futile, I tend to think...) and for an occasional boost of warm air from the furnace. We're trying to be prudent in our use of the generator, because it's becoming harder to find gas and they tell us that we could be another week without power. All of which is small stuff in view of the devastation just a few miles away from us! It is so very sad! There is a teacher-to-teacher effort underway to help those who have lost their classrooms and materials.  Please check back here for details within the next few days.

So, while the generator roars away in the driveway, I thought I'd squeeze in a few minutes of blogging! Such a luxury!

Have you seen all of the great ideas on Pinterest for using paint chip cards? How about all of the neat foldables?  Well, a few weeks back I picked up a few cards at The Depot, and have been thinking about a way to combine the paint chip cards with the foldables. Here's what I came up with.

What to call them?  Pinch and Tell?  Grab and Say?  Pick and Pinch?  Fold and Grab? What's your idea?

Here's how to make them.

1.  Fold in half between sections 2 and 3, with the chips side in.
2.  Fold section 1 and section 4 toward the back.
3.  Label with any sequencing idea, like the ones above.

Here's how to use them.

1.  Put them face down on a tabletop or any playing surface.
2.  As a game, players take turns "pinching up" one card. If they can name the missing parts of the sequence, they take a penny (or a token, or a popsicle stick..) for each correct response. The player with the most at the end is the winner.
3.  As a partner review, players take turns pinching and showing to their partner. If the partner is correct, he takes the card. If not the "pincher" (got to be a better name for that!) keeps the card. The player with the most cards at the end wins.
4.  For individual practice, turn all cards face down.  Grab one at a time and name the missing items in the sequence. Open to check.

Here are some side views that might make it clearer.




Here's an alternative for the older kids.
So easy to make! I hope you'll share some of your ideas for making these!

Update: 11/28/12: Check out this link I just came across with lots of interesting ideas for paint chips!

Happy Teaching!



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks - you are so sweet! We are fine, but many around us are still without power a week later. Others' lives will never be the same...


  2. Super cute idea:) Thanks for linking it up. So glad you made out ok. I've been praying lots for those who didn't. I live in Florida and we have had some pretty terrible hurricanes....

    4th Grade Frolics

    1. Thanks, Tara... there are so many here who are in need of material things like food and shelter, but will also need prayer for the course of their lives in the months and years to come. I truly can't fathom the uncertainty they are facing.


  3. I cannot believe how many ideas are popping up for ways to use paint chips. Thank you for sharing yours :)
    Stories by Storie

  4. I know, Storie... I almost feel a little guilty. Paint company executives somewhere are probably scratching their heads and trying to figure out where the samples are all disappearing to! :)


  5. You reminded me that I need to go pick more paint chips up.

    I Love My Classroom

    1. Hahaha! Those Depot guys must see us coming! Fortunately, they are totally gracious and generous whenevr I ask for samples. Yay, Home Depot loves teachers!



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