
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Singular and Plural Autumn Nouns Freebie

Hello, Everyone!

I don't know about you, but I'm ready for the hot and humid days to move along and make way for some crisp fall ones. Sooo much more energizing, don't you think?

I think it's easy for me as a teacher to forget that what's obvious to an adult might be overlooked by some of our littles. You know the kinds of things that I mean ...

Bathroom stalls have doors so they can be closed.
Saving your ice cream in your lunchbox for an afternoon snack doesn't work out well.

... and adding an s to the end of a noun is usually the way to form a plural.

Every year, it would amaze me to see a new reader who hadn't picked up on that and would read the word "cat" and in the next sentence would start from scratch to sound out the word "cats".

Here's a card set to help you set your mind toward fall AND to remind your little learners that many plural nouns are formed by adding an s.  There are 8 autumn nouns, given in both singular and plural forms (16 cards). Students can sort them on the included mat or use them for matching games like memory.

Click here or on the cover to download your copy.

Happy Teaching!

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