
Thursday, May 24, 2012

I'm Celebrating, with a Freebie for You!

Dear Friends,

I am delighted to be celebrating 2 milestones: My TPT store is just a shade away from 400 followers, and just over 200 of you have become followers here at Primary Inspiration!! (Just an aside: my number of followers has disappeared from view on my main page here. Any of you techies have an idea how to restore it? Thanks in advance!!)

To thank you all for your kind following, I have a little scheme cooked up to deliver a special freebioe to you! Instead of a giveaway with a few winners, how about a treat for everybody? I have just posted a brand new item at my TPT store called Summer Story Cubes and Task Cards for Writing. IT WILL BE FREE FOR ALL OF YOU today (Thursday) through Sunday night, just as my way of showing how grateful I am to you for your support.

The set includes four story cubes with words and/or  pictures related to summer, a story clock spinner,and 10 task cards for writing. Something nice and new for these last few weeks of school!

Anything special that you need to do to collect your freebie? Fill out a form? Blog about it? Like it on Facebook? Nope. Actually, even if you're just stopping by today and not following yet ... hey, help yourself! :)

Just click on the cover to head over to my TPT store and its yours.

Of course, I wouldn't object if you'd leave a comment at my TPT store, or tell a friend about this blog or my store. But am I requiring it? Absolutely not! :) I really just want you to have this little gift, no strings attached.

Thanks again for joining me here!
Happy Teaching!



  1. Congrats on those milestones!! Thanks for the freebie!

    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  2. You are amazing! Thanks!! I can't wait to build more followers *fingers crossed*


    Jessica Stanford
    Mrs. Stanford's Class Blog is Having a Giveaway!
    My TpT Store

    1. No finger crossing needed, Jessica - you have great stuff and your following will continue to grow!

  3. Congrats on your followers! :) You are very talented and have great ideas!


  4. Thanks Linda! These are great! I look forward to using them in our last few weeks!

  5. You're welcome, Jen! Hope your last weeks of school go well - happy summer!


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