
Monday, May 21, 2012

I'm All About Learning Games!

I'm all about games.
Learning games, that is.

I got a sweet note from a former student, written during Teacher Appreciation Week and so kindly shared by her current (4th grade) teacher. The little sweetie who wrote to me said,

                               "Thank you for being my teacher. You were the best teacher ever.
                                You let us play games. We had some good times together."

Ah, yes, good times. What's not to love about a note like that?

This little girl had a very tough time getting started in reading and writing when she was in my first grade literacy intervention class. The going was often very rough for her. But I am beyond thrilled to know that what she remembers most about first grade is not the frustration but the fun of learning!

The longer we can keep the learning as natural to our students as playing, the more chance our struggling students will have to build up their self-confidence for tackling the harder jobs as they come along.

And so, I'm inspired to continue creating games!!!

Here's a free bingo game for you, posted at my TPT store. It's a different kind of bingo, because the kids make their own boards (and therefore get more practice in the skill being practiced). Click on the cover picture to go directly there.

This game is part of a set of 6 math bingo games. The games are ideal for small group instruction or for your math tubs or math centers. They make for great review activities at this time of year in first grade. You could even set them up in your classroom for a bingo day in math with groups of students rotating to the different games, since each game takes less than 10 minutes to play.

Skills covered are addition and subtraction facts through 18, adding doubles, 10 more and 10 less, place value, and coin combinations (your freebie, above!).

Games: Because happy learners (just like happy teachers) are the most successful, confident, and motivated!

Happy Teaching!



  1. That note is so heartwarming to hear about! Thanks for the BINGO freebie! :)

    Learning Is Something to Treasure

    1. Thanks, Jessica and Lisa! Wasn't it a sweet little note? Made me teary...


  2. "The longer we can keep the learning as natural to our students as playing, the more chance our strugglers will have to build up their self-confidence for tackling the harder jobs as they come along."
    As a 'natural learning' homeschooling Mum, I find this quote inspirational! Thank you so much for giving my confidence as an "educator" a much needed boost. My daughter learns best via games, due to her learning deficits, so your freebie is much appreciated. Thank you!!! Cheers, Sally.

  3. Sally, thanks so much for the encouraging words! It sounds like you're doing a great job with your daughter. Remember that your ability to work so closely with her as a homeschooling Mum will show you not just the deficits but also her strengths as a learner. It's her strengths that will propel her forward in her learning and help her deal with the deficits!
    Much continued success to both you and your daughter!



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