
About Me

Hi... and welcome to my blog for primary grade teachers! After 26 great years of teaching - most of them spent with first graders!- I'm retired now! I'm enjoying myself immensely, but I'm still having many "teacherly yearnings" : reading aloud to the little ones with great theatrics (so much fun!!!), leading the strugglers through the tough times and out of the woods, sharing conversations and problem-solving with colleagues, etc. Also, of course, cruising the best teacher websites, lingering at the Target Dollar Spot, creating new lessons and literacy centers for my little guys, and drooling six delightful grandchildren to fill some of those empty spots! :)

One new venture for me in retirement has been refining and marketing some of those many games and literacy centers that I used to work on long into the nights! I'm enjoying creating new ideas, too, and love the thought that other teachers and their students can still find my things useful. I'm selling on Teachers Pay Teachers   - click to visit my store!

I've also spent many, many hours exploring the new world of teacher blogs and I am truly amazed and humbled by what I've found there. So many awesome blogs, where caring and sharing teachers are refining their own professional growth and eagerly inviting others along for the ride! My heart has always been and will continue to be in education. I've entered the world of blogging now, and I'm so glad that you're along for this ride! I hope that this blog will be the source of some Primary Inspiration for you!

Feel free to contact me at I'm very open to your suggestions regarding needs for your classroom and would love to hear what you're up to and help out however I can!